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Heavy Duty Edge Protectors

Safeguard products from damage.

  • Edge Protectors brace loads and add extra support for double stacked pallets.
  • Secure Edge Protectors to load with Stretch Film or Strapping.
  • Edge Protectors can be used as structural support within cartons.

Item Description
Ext. Price
W x D x LBoard
Per Case
Price Per Case
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2 x 2 x 12".225120$109.34$108.09$106.22
2 x 2 x 18".2256056.1455.5054.54
2 x 2 x 24".225110200.08197.79194.36
2 x 2 x 30".22570166.60164.70161.84
2 x 2 x 36".22570227.59224.99221.09
2 x 2 x 40".22555165.87163.97161.13
2 x 2 x 48".22555239.49236.75232.65
2 x 2 x 60".22525104.13102.94101.15
2 x 2 x 72".22520107.59106.36104.52
2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 30".22560164.38162.50159.68
2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 36".22555193.38191.17187.85
2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 40".22545169.58167.64164.73
2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 48".22535165.11163.23160.40
3 x 3 x 12".225120149.50147.79145.23
3 x 3 x 18".225110209.60207.20203.61
3 x 3 x 24".22560149.50147.79145.23
3 x 3 x 30".22555179.20177.15174.08
3 x 3 x 36".22555210.00207.60204.00
3 x 3 x 40".22535150.99149.26146.68
3 x 3 x 48".22535185.20183.09179.91
3 x 3 x 60".22525162.40160.54157.76
3 x 3 x 72".22520153.97152.21149.57

Item Description
Ext. Price
Skid Lot
W x D x LBoard
Per Skid
Price Per Skid
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2 x 2 x 12".2253,080$1503.60
2 x 2 x 18".2253,0802192.26
2 x 2 x 24".2251,5401416.80
2 x 2 x 30".2251,5401769.60
2 x 2 x 36".2251,5402256.54
2 x 2 x 40".2251,5402359.00
2 x 2 x 48".2251,5403004.75
2 x 2 x 60".2251,5403537.80
2 x 2 x 72".2257702123.80
2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 30".2251,3201843.80
2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 36".2251,3202350.25
2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 40".2251,3202458.40
2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 48".2251,3202949.80
3 x 3 x 12".2252,2001528.80
3 x 3 x 18".2252,2002275.00
3 x 3 x 24".2251,1001503.60
3 x 3 x 30".2251,1001878.80
3 x 3 x 36".2251,1002255.40
3 x 3 x 40".2251,1002504.60
3 x 3 x 48".2251,1003193.66
3 x 3 x 60".2251,1003992.45
3 x 3 x 72".2255502255.40

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